Hollow Site
I'd like to tell you its name, but I'm still not even sure of that. They do have a money-back guarantee, though, as if you could find someone in their operation from which to claim it.
The working title is DailyCashSites.com and it purports to be a turnkey site manufacturer. The parties who run the site say that they've got a long and illustrious history of selling websites on eBay and even invite you to check their references there. However, unless I missed something, I didn't see any details as to how to check their references; for now, this seems as much of a myth as the 'As Seen on Oprah' claim we've mentioned previously.
I guess the assumption is that their target market consists of those people who are too lazy or disingenuous to even bother trying to confirm such claims.
DailyCashSites.com says all the right things, but seems to be woefully short on substance. I was particularly amused by their '10x' refund offer:
"DailyCashSites.com websites have a one year money back guarantee. If after one year you are not making at least the guaranteed minimum profits per month you will receive a cash-back payment of 10x your initial purchase price. The guaranteed monthly profits are different for each website but are normally between $3000 and $11000 per month. For example, if you purchase a website for $500 you would receive a $5000 refund, if you purchase a website for $1000 you would receive a $10000 refund, etc. Our websites have all been specifically created to make money, they are proven profitable before they are sold, and they always generate a very large amount of profits for the new owners. If you do not generate the stated level of profits you simply need to take advantage of the 10x money back guarantee. We are absolutely positive you will be extremely happy with how much money you make each month. We guarantee it."
OK, so where do we go to get this guarantee confirmed? They've got a 'Live Support' link, but if you try it, you'll hang there until you receive a notice that they're too busy and you'll have to send an e-mail instead. You will discover soon thereafter that the e-mail goes unanswered.
Still, DailyCashSites.com offers you a two-day free trial. Just pick a site, register a subscription with PayPal, for instance, and watch it operate. The deal is that if you like what you see, you keep the subscription active and pay $50 per week for the 'privilege' of owning the site. You even get a 'back room' to survey your sales totals and an invitation to e-mail their Support people with any question you might have.
Well, we checked their sample statistics on the Sales page (where they list the sites that can be purchased). All that's displayed are numbers, representing 'profits' for products sold. There's no mention of the products or the sales prices. On top of that, if you check a few of the sites in the same category, they all have the same sales figures. Now, there's a sign that the end of the world must be near!
By this time, I was navigating more closely, making sure that I would get every iota of amusement this site had to offer. For example, the fine print states that your first payday is 90 days after you've registered. So, you're roughly $600 out-of-pocket before you even know if these people are indeed going to honor their part of the bargain! They say you can pay $650 up front to expedite the payment process, but they don't give any details other than that. Are they really finding customers stupid enough to do this?
The Company page was priceless, especially it's opening lines:
"We are an international internet based company with offices and staff members in many countries including USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Mexico, Brasil, Peru, and Thailand. We have been creating, operating, promoting, and selling websites for over 7 years and we always do everything possible to make our customers very happy."
Did they ever stop to think how happy they could make their customers by actually identifying themselves? And then, God bless the people of Peru --- wonderful folks, beautiful country --- but when's the last time you saw their nation mentioned in the same breath as the others on that list (with the possible exception of football matches against Mexico)? Just think, they have all those offices and not one physical address is given!
Then there's the Testimonial page. If you've got low self-esteem, be careful here. You'll see gushing comments about how prompt and wonderful their Support staff has been. However, you'll soon see that your questions will be infinitely ignored. It could be enough to cause an outbreak of inadequacy if your psyche is so afflicted.
So, in summary, DailyCashSites.com has all the markings of a bottom-feeder. They're anonymous, their products and details are shadowy (at best), they've got the brassiest unenforceable money-back guarantee I've seen in years, and they're apparently still in business.
Come to think of it, that would explain Peru's presence on their list. It's the site of Machu Picchu, better known as The Lost City of the Incas.
I don't think DailyCashSites.com could have a more fitting locale.
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